Monday 23 September 2013

Back to school bugs.

It's that time of year again.
The house has been quiet for a week or so - yes the kids went back to school!
BUT- a couple of weeks in and those nasty back to school bugs have taken a hold. Summer is not too bad - the weather is nice. So ok, the weather is not too bad and there may be a spot of hay fever around, but come September/October the cough, cold and sickness bugs are on a role! They can spread around a classroom like wild fire - which then gets into your home and eventually some one in your household will be sick.
If you have kids you know exactly what I mean.
If you don't have kids those bugs will still find a way back to you!

So I thought the one thing you really need to have ready this time of year is a good medicine box. Because when you feel ill the last thing you want to be doing is hunting down pain killers and hot water bottles.

Now I have a son with a physical disability so our medicine box is more Holby City or House than you really need.
But there are a few good essentials you need to have easily at hand - in a box way out of any kiddies reach.

1. Good painkillers - In our house we really rely on Paracetamol and that'll do it. Unless my son needs morphine which is only kept on an as need basis, and strictly not for any one else to use.

2. Decongestant - coughs and colds are bound to make an appearance so get in some of those hot decongestant drinks. They do already contain pain killers though, so be careful not to overdose by accident.

3. Olbas oil - for kiddies blocked noses at night.  Gentle versions are out there for babies and always good to have.

4. Plasters - if you have kids no more needs to be said! And if you get the long rolls of plaster don't forget scissors.

5. Hot water bottle - ok maybe not in the medicine box but know where it is for earache, tummy ache, period pains. A wheat bag is just as good and no risk of scalding yourself if the bottle pops (it happened to me as a kid and was really not a nice feeling!)

6. Thermometer - sometimes you feel hot and your temp is actually fine. So get a thermometer so you can better judge if you or your child really needs the medicine or not. I have one of those forehead ones which is probably not the most accurate kind but does give an idea of what your temp is and doesn't run out of batteries when you really need it!

7. A secret stash of tissues - oh yes! I have a box or two hidden away because you can guarantee some one will really need them and none will be around. Just the empty box that no one bothered to throw away or inform you that it was empty!

I'm sure there's more medical stuff you can do with as each family is different - but thats just the basics. Creams, antiseptic - its all down to what you prefer. 

And what made me think of this today?  I have a poorly 8 yr old off school with a nasty cold and fever - so it is only a matter of time before we all come down with it!

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